Measure from the center of your hairline to the tip of your chin. Next, measure from the left side of your face to the right side. If your face is longer than it is wide, you may have an oval face shape. If your face is wider than it is long, you may have a round or heart face shape.

beautiful eye shape must match the shape of the face. In addition to knowing the appearance of the eyes knowing your face shape. It will help you to choose the type of double eyelid that best suits your face. Who has plans to do eyes? Let’s learn about at ทางเข้า ufabet your own face shape first. It’s a method that anyone can do, it’s not difficult at all.
What should I do to measure the facial structure?
facial structure or shape of the face consisting of width and the length of the frame. We can measure the front frame. to find out. What kind of facial structure each person has In most cases. The length is measured from the base of the hair to the tip of the chin. Width section can be divided roughly It is the width of the forehead and the width of the cheekbones. Including Wat San Kram and then process the numbers to compare with different facial structures By the process of measuring the face frame. You may follow some simple instructions:
1. Prepare equipment
Use basic equipment such as a tape measure. Or if not available, you can use a ruler instead, a pen or pencil and paper for writing numbers.
2. Measure the length of the face.
face length is the longest distance of the face. Place a tape measure or ruler against it to measure the length. By starting at the base of the hair or hairline, measure down to the end of the distance at the bottom of the face. Which is the chin, then record the numbers on paper.
3. Measure the width of the face.
face width divided into two parts
- measure the width of the forehead by starting from the temple on one side extreme on the other side of the temple Then record the numbers on paper.
- Measure the width of the cheekbones. The cheekbones are located on both sides of the cheeks. is the most convex part Some people may have high cheekbones. or differently large cheekbones by measuring the length from one cheekbone to the other and save the numbers
4. Wat San Kram
Start measuring from the area of one jaw. down to the tip of the chin the other side of the face do the same combine both results Get the length of the jawline and write it down.
5. Measure the hairline
The hairline measurement is measured from the bottom edge of the hair root. down to the lowest area where there is a ball of hair Some people have high hairline or low hairline, looking very thin, which may make the forehead look too wide.
How do I know what my face looks like?
1. Oval face shape (oval)
When comparing various facial structures, it can be said that oval face shapes It is a dream face shape of many people because it is a face shape that is well proportioned. It has more symmetrical curves than other facial styles. but the oval face no clear front frame therefore may cause a lack of sharpness can use makeup or around the eyes to help increase its prominence
This type of face structure The length of the face is greater than the width of the face. The forehead is slightly wider than the chin. make the chin look slender not rounded prominently wide cheekbones The proportions of the face are balanced. From the base of the hair to the eyebrows eyebrows to the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin will have the same distance Its overall shape looks like a chicken egg turned upside down with the smaller side down.
Main personality traits of people with oval face shape
Normally, people with oval face shapes a good-hearted person quick to adapt Always get help from those around you. Stylish, love beauty, love beauty, dress well, like comfort, love art, cheerful, friendly, friendly and easy to approach. Always have good words to those around you always Reflecting the character of the eyes that are bright and consistent with the facial structure clearly. But if there is a droopy eye will make the face look clearly sad and miserable
Suitable for any type of eyes
For the oval face. Able to do all types of double eyelids For people who want to be confident I might try to make my eyes look dark. that looks expensive or for those who want to add a degree of brightness It may also cause double eyelids, scratching lines as well.
2. Round face shape
round face There is fullness of the face. It is a gentle and kind appearance. and look younger The highlight is the roundness of the face. and a bunch of rounded cheeks There is a curve as the main element. There is no sharpness of the front frame.
round face The width of the face will be equal to or almost equal to the length of the face The forehead is wide, looks rounded, and the cheeks are plump. The chin area is obtuse, no squares, no corners, the overall face frame looks harmonious. Smooth together the whole face. like the face of a child
Main personality traits of people with round face shapes
Round face has a personality that looks cute, likeable, calm, generous, and calm, sometimes seeming unenthusiastic. Is a good social person always thinks of others before himself, likes to sacrifice, has a lot of positive energy made it loved by many people
Suitable for any type of eyes
roundness of the face If you have sharp eyes The eyes are long, slender, proportional, the tail of the eyes slightly raised. will enhance the prominence and increase confidence Able to have lateral eyelid surgery To increase the length of the corners of the eyes to make them sharp and look more beautiful.
3. Diamond-shaped facial structure
diamond-shaped face Represents a strong, powerful face with clear cheekbones. and a small jaw Makes the face look square with a lot of angles. Looking from the outside, he saw the fierceness. Decisiveness in people with this shape of face
diamond-shaped facial features The width of the cheekbones will be the most prominent. and can clearly see the chin The width of the forehead and chin will be similar in size and clearly narrower than the cheekbones It is a clearly dimensional face shape.
Main personality traits of people with a diamond face shape
If looking from the outside, one might understand that a person with a diamond-shaped face structure a person who likes to place power despite the fact that people with this shape Just a person who believes, has taste, luxury, self-confidence, strong, courageous, unyielding. and be careful yourself Causing sometimes others do not dare to approach But people with this face shape tend to be successful in life.
Suitable for any type of eyes
Eye styles that suit diamond face shapes Emphasis on softness and clarity to balance the harshness of the facial structure Should have big round eyes have beautiful curved eyelids that match the face shape Makes the overall face look sweeter. which double eyelid surgery in conjunction with the opening of the eyes Answers to those who have a diamond-shaped facial structure as well.
4. Heart-shaped facial structure
heart shaped face It’s a Korean idol style face. with a small slender face The size of the face compared to the body size looks small. for Korean people Considered that this face looks very good.
The forehead is wide, looks outstanding, has hairline wavy in the middle like a heart shape. have prominent cheekbones Lower face and small pointed chin resembling a diamond-shaped facial structure But people with a heart-shaped face shape have a wider forehead The face looks slender all the way to the chin.
Main personality traits of people with heart shape faces
It is a charming facial structure. It attracts people very well. Fun, dazzling, adventurous, good at socializing Be smart and creative. ambitious high self-confidence and has a stubbornness in him
Suitable for any type of eyes
heart shape face shape Suitable for long, slender eyes can open eyes in conjunction with the opening of the eyes to make the eyes look slender and more proportionate
5. Rectangular facial structure
a person with a square face Let me tell you that I’m very lucky. Because it has a luxurious face, looks classy, and has a particularly prominent jawline. Make the facial structure clear, beautiful, fuzzy, look international
rectangular facial structure The jaw angle and the forehead angle are more square than other face shapes. The width of the forehead is equal to the width of the jaw area. where the length of the face Will be more than the width of the face, beautiful jawline is considered the highlight of the face
Main personality of people with rectangular face shape
a person with a rectangular face shape Considered to be one of the most attractive people. Strong but humble, intelligent, self-assured, nonchalant, leadership, and kind.
Suitable for any type of eyes
rectangular face frame Suitable for all eye shapes But many people will like the way of doing the eyesight. which is a double eyelid surgery Adding clarity to the eyelids May be done in conjunction with traction of the eye muscles. Helps the eyes look bright, does not look tired, eyes are not puffy and the opening of the eyelids raise the corners of the eyes to lift up looks more stylish