Benefits and things you should know about alkaline drinking water.

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Many people may have seen alkaline water when they go to convenience stores. However, most people may not know or are not sure about this type of drinking water. Whether it is the risks, side effects, safety, or health benefits that are said to help slow down aging, control pH levels in the body, cleanse the intestines, lose weight, or even prevent chronic diseases such as cancer.

Alkaline drinking water is related to pH, which is a value use to measure the acidity or alkalinity of substances. It is determin on a scale of 0–14. Substances with a pH of less than 7 are acidic, those with a pH of more than 7 are alkaline, and those with a pH of 7 are neutral. Normal drinking water has a pH of 6.5–8.5 , while alkaline drinking water is around 8–9, which is in the alkaline range.  

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to help hydrate, balance your body, and flush out toxins from your daily diet. If you already drink water according to this guideline, the recommended daily intake of alkaline water is no different. UFABET We recommend drinking 8-12 glasses (about 2-3 liters) a day to get the most benefits. However, do not change your water intake too quickly. Make the change gradually. Start by mixing alkaline water with regular water to allow your body to adjust to the change in pH level.

However, if you are not use to drinking 2 liters of water a day, you should try to drink 3-4 glasses at first and gradually increase your intake until you reach the required level. This will help reduce the side effects of switching from regular water to alkaline water that you may feel. Such as headaches and muscle aches, similar to flu symptoms, and fatigue. Not everyone will experience these side effects,

But if you do, do not panic. This is a good sign that the alkaline water is starting to eliminate toxins. And acidic wastes that are deeply embedd in your muscle tissue. As your body adjusts to the lower acidity level, these symptoms will usually go away on their own. It usually takes 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks, depending on the level of toxins in your body.

Benefits of alkaline water

It is said that due to its high alkalinity, alkaline drinking water has many benefits. Such as slowing down aging, detoxifying the intestines, strengthening the body’s immune system, digestive system and metabolism. Increasing the body’s moisture more than regular water, reducing acidity in the bloodstream, reducing bone loss, helping with weight loss, or even fighting cancer. 

When should I drink?

The first thing you should do is start your day. With a glass of alkaline water to prepare your body for the rest of the day. Keep it by your bedside so you can grab it first thing when you wake up and drink it during your workout. Because strenuous exercise often depletes fluids in the body quickly, replenish your fluids to slow down the process. You can sip it before, during and after your workout.

Top Tip: Don’t drink it with meals, as your stomach needs acid to help. With the digestion process, and alkaline water, which has an alkaline pH, can slow down this process. For this reason, it’s recommend that you drink the water at least 30 minutes before eating and half an hour to two hours after eating.